Weather Information
Japan’s daily weather information
Japan’s daily weather information
Latest weather warnings / advisories and earthquake information provided by the Japan Meteorological Agency
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Transportation and transit information
Contact lists helpful if you have a problem while traveling in Japan
Information useful during a disaster
When the Japan Meteorological Agency expects a strong vibration to occur immediately after an earthquake, it issues advance warnings as quickly as possible to provide all areas in Japan with information about estimated arrival times and seismic intensities.
The Earthquake Early Warning alarm, along with special sound, is broadcasted on TV, radio, cell phones, and smartphones.
When you see or hear an Earthquake Early Warning, you should remain calm and ensure your safety first depending on the situation, even if you do not feel the vibrations.
If the Japan Meteorological Agency expects a tsunami to cause any damage, it issues a warning approximately three minutes after an earthquake.
When there is a strong or weak but long-lasting vibration, you should start evacuating. Also, do not evaluate the safety situation yourself but evacuate to a more elevated place regardless. Remain in a safe location until the Tsunami Warning is cancelled because tsunamis strike repeatedly over a long period.
The Japan Meteorological Agency issues "Advisories" when heavy rain or strong winds may cause damage and "Warnings" when a serious disaster may occur. Also, the Agency issues "Emergency Warnings" to alert the public to the strong possibility of a devastating disaster, one that occurs every several decades.
The Japan Meteorological Agency provides Volcanic Warnings / Forecasts about 110 active volcanoes in Japan to reduce damage caused by volcanic eruption.
Also, the Agency issues Eruption Notices to immediately announce that a volcano has erupted and to encourage people to take the necessary action to protect themselves.
In Japan, earthquake resistant structures have widely been deployed for houses and buildings, and most buildings are fairly resistant to earthquakes.
If you are in such a building during an earthquake, do not go outside until it is safe.
A Designated Evacuation Shelter is a facility where residents can stay for the necessary period until there is no more risk of disaster damage or acts as a temporary home for residents who cannot return home due to a disaster.
Public facilities, including schools and community centers, will be designated as evacuation shelters by local governments in the area. Some hotels or Japanese inns are designated to accept evacuated residents during a disaster. Please confirm with your accommodation.